File Transfer can be done in multiple ways on TSplus: since Version 12.50, a contextual menu is available to download files from the server to the local pc:
More information can be found on this documentation.
Unlike real RDP session the browsers do not allow to access the hard drives directly, the file transfer is emulated.
The sub-folder of gateway gets mounted as a WebFile device into your RDP session. Inside the RDP session you can access it via Explorer by clicking on "WebFile" or call "\\tsclient\WebFile" directly:
There are 3 different possibilities to transfer a file:
On the browser side the files are showed inside the browser's list menu. It can be opened via action menu or with Shift + F12.
When using a custom folder, make sure this folder exists on client and server sides. You can set the upload/download destination folder on the Web Portal preferences tile on the web tab of the Admin Tool:
If you want to avoid this behavior, set the following line on the setting.js file which path is by default: C:\Program Files (x86)\tsplus\Clients\www\software\html5\settings.js :
dropboxonnewfile = 0;
Additionally you can set:
sharedfolder = "yes";
to show shared folder and share your files with other users (disabled by default).
If you do not have a file named "settings.js" in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\TSplus\Clients\www\software\html5" folder, then your TSplus version is older and this documentation does not apply. Please update your system first or contact support.